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2 custom width side hutches

Looking for extra cabinet space or want to fill up a wall with an elegant piece of furniture? Extending hutches is an excellent solution.
This product is for a bed with 2 side hutches, if you're looking to extend the width of only 1 side hutch, visit this page: Extra wide side hutch.
BIG SALE: 20% off Murphy Beds and mattresses PLUS get free shipping!

Custom Options:

Looking for extra wall bed cabinet space or want to fill up a wall with an elegant piece of furniture? Extending hutches is an excellent solution.
This product is for a bed with 2 side hutches, if you're looking to extend the width of only 1 side hutch, visit this page: Extra wide side hutch.
Customer Photo

Exactly as expected

This kit took a while to put together, but the kit was really thorough and pretty easy to follow along. It definitely requires at least two people. We are really happy with this product. It's exactly what we wanted at a great price point.

Customer # 48,752